Wednesday, July 12, 2006

7/11 - Mariza Testifies to God's Protection

How God Protected Mariza and her Family

Mariza Ferrao, a Konkani Catholics member recounts how God protected the entire family in the series of bomb explosions that rocked Mumbai 7/11

It was just a normal day for me yesterday as for anybody else until the incident of the serial blasts.

After office, I was invited to another Prayer Group at Wadala about four stations from my place in Dockyard, to conduct a workshop on Praise and Worship. The travel there was smooth since we went by road.

At about 7:15 we got a call from London informing us about the blasts in Mumbai but we had no clue of what, where and how.

The service started at 7:30p and finished by 9p. The whole time I only kept praising and thanking God and intercedding in tongues for all that was happening in Mumbai. It was only later that we got to know of the serial blasts that took place all over.

The train service that I use on harbour line was all ok and so I could reach home by 10. After reaching home I got to know that my Mother-in-law who had gone to Santacruz the previous night was home by 4:30. My husband developed a stiff neck and so did not go for his night shift. My sister-in-law who is a teacher, was travelling to Andheri but after learning of the incident, got off the train at Mahim and proceeded home by bus.

I praise and thank God for keeping me and my family safe and so too the people I know - my friends, neighbours, relatives, colleagues, etc.

The sights that we saw on TV was terrible.

I can only glorify and thank God for taking care of each one of us. I was very peaceful and calm in the midst of all this turmoil beleiving that the Lord is in control. I also realized that when we say yes to do something for his kingdom, then we will also experience his protection. It is the power of prayers and the protection of the precious blood of Jesus that kept us safe.

Let us continue to pray for all those who have gone through tremondous suffering with the loss of family members, or those injured or those shocked through this incident.

Let us praise and thank God for those who have hurt us through these blasts and ask the Lord to bless them and heal them.

Let us pray for the authorities to help and guide all the victims.

Posted by Mariza Ferrao

If you have a testimony to share, post it to konkanicatholics(at)gmail(dot)com

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