Friday, June 02, 2006

BANGALORE: Archdiocesan Education Policy Must Be Follwed, says Archbishop

Bangalore: Archbishop Bernard Moras Reiterates Archdiocesan Education Policy, Calls for Co-operation from Catholic Schools


All the Managers/Correspondents/Heads of the Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese are hereby requested to follow strictly the Archdiocesan Education Policy released last year and reiterated by the CBCI in its Final Statement of its General Body Meeting held in February 2006 in Bangalore. The same policies were also emphasized by the Karnataka Region Catholic Bishops in their Pastoral letter in February 2006.

It was brought to my notice that in spite of clear-cut instructions, some of the schools are refusing admissions to Catholic children saying that either they are not up to the mark or they do not have enough money to pay their fees. While understanding the problems for admissions to higher education in Professional Colleges and/or Institutions, I fail to understand why our Catholic children are refused admissions to our own Catholic schools. Government has been refusing minority benefits to our schools stating that we do not have sufficient Catholic children in our schools. Is it not our responsibility to admit as many Catholic children as possible and even encourage children attending Govt. or other schools to come to our schools so that they can also get Catholic education? Kindly give a serious thought to this my earnest appeal.

+Bernard Moras
Archbishop of Bangalore

(Excerpted from the Archbishop's circular dated June 1, 2006)

Also See:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    His Grace Arch Bishop Most Rev Bernad Moras deserves to be congragulated for his circular directing the Heads of Catholic to admit all the catholic schools to the children irrespective of their ability to pay donations etc
    Recently I was in Mysore and one catholic parent was almost in tears as He could not pay donation to Good Shepherd convent sisters far a seat in Pre primary schools
    You may be surprised to know that 60% children admitted are muslims
    and catholics are less. The fee including Donations was Rs 6500/ per child.
    I really feel these sisters are very cruel and doing a thing that is not christian in nature.
    I will be grateful if Mysote Bishop does something to ease the situation there.
