Friday, May 11, 2007

Fr. Adolf Washington New ICPA President

"Promoting journalism based on authentic values" Fr Adolf Washington new president of the Indian Catholic Press Association

BANGALORE May 11, 2006 (Fides Service): - Journalism which is neither scandalistic nor sensationalistic; which fosters respect for the human person, human dignity and rights, promotes justice and solidarity, fights to eliminate discrimination, draws inspiration from authentic Christian values: this is the style of journalism proposed by Fr Adolf Washington, president of the Indian Catholic Press Association ICPA, in his address when he took office on 6 May.

A 35 year old freelance journalist, former vice president of the ICPA, Fr Adolf was elected at a recent meeting in Bangalore. "I am sure the executive members will assist me in this difficult task", said the young priest-journalist. With a degree in journalism and media, lecturer in various schools and universities, Fr. Adolf also contributes to publications such as The New India Express, Oasis, Deccan Herlad, The Catholic Asian Age and is the author of numerous papers on communications.

The vision from which he draws inspiration is to "encourage journalism based on authentic values", striving to make Christian values present not only in specifically Catholic press but also in secular media, addressing the general public, not only the small percentage of Catholics in India.

The Indian Catholic Press Association was established in 1964 to unite Catholic dailies and periodicals, news agencies and publishers, journalists, scholars and docents of journalism. The founders were editors of Catholic newspapers Deepika, Kerala Times, Thozhilali and some weeklies. Today it has 150 members. Since it was founded ICPA has always organised meetings and seminars to promote reflection and growth in the sector of Catholic media. It also helps promote relationships of friendship among members, offers a service of information and formation, and encourages research in the field of communications. In India Catholics were among the first to be involved in social communications, often thanks to the work of missionaries who codified alphabets, wrote grammar books, translated dictionaries, started bulletins and magazines.

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