Thursday, September 14, 2006

SAINT: Princess Diana OR Mother Teresa?

The Princess in a Mercedes or the bare-foot Nun?


This month we celebrated the 9th anniversary of the deaths of two famous persons of the last century.

In September 1997, the world was rocked by the passing away of Princess Diana of England and Mother Teresa of Kolkota, India. Their deaths, three days apart, evoked comparisons between the two.

Both were women.

Both were Christians.

Both worked among the poor and the needy.

Both were world travelers and received international honours.

Both regularly made headlines with their lives, and again finally, with their deaths; and their funerals, shown on international television, made millions of mourners around the world.

And both were called "saints" by the media.

Of the two, however, it was Princess Diana who captured the adulation of the world. The media portrayed the unprecedented outpouring of grief that bordered on worship, following her death. It is said that, never in history has there been such a funeral with millions attending her funeral procession which was watched by billions more on television, as the 'Queen of Hearts' was laid to rest. So many flowers and gifts were received that, trucks were needed to cart them away.

Every newspaper in the world carried stories on her for weeks and every magazine in the world carrying her picture on its cover and devoted cover stories to her life and to her death. Every bookstore in the world, including Christian ones, soon stocked hurriedly-commissioned biographies on the life of Princess Diana.
There is no question that the death of the Princess was a tragic loss to her family, her country and the world.

That she faced unique trials and pressures because of her social stature and life under the spotlight cannot be disputed. However, terming her as a "Saint", in the Christian sense of the word, is something that we can surely disagree with.

A discerning look at the lives of these two "SAINTS" reveals more contrasts than similarities, as noted here below.

One was young, tall and beautiful.
The other was old, short and homely

One kept herself in good shape physically.
The other took no special care of her body.

One was royalty.
The other was a commoner.

One was a princess.
The other was a nun.

One was rich.
The other possessed nothing that she could call her own.

One led the fashion parade for the world.
The other wore a simple blue and white cotton sari.

One left her palace for occasional excursions among the less-privileged.
The other was always in their midst.

One returned each night to the lap of luxury.
The other lived among the destitute and the dying.

One stored up treasures on earth.
The other stored up treasure in heaven.

One was of the world.
The other was in the world, but not of it.

One dabbled in astrology and 'New Age'.
The other devoted time to prayer.

One had a nominal Christian faith.
The other lived a life of faith in God.

One broke up a family.
The other built up a community.

One tried to take her own life.
The other gave her life for others.

One fed the gossip columns with her questionable life-style.
The other was admired for her righteous lifestyle.

Let's be honest with ourselves.

One was known as having committed adultery.
The other had opted for life-long celibacy.

One's husband [Charles] was a spokesman for anti-Christian New Age philosophies.
The other's spouse [Jesus Christ, the Bearer of the Water of Life] ushered in the true New Age of man.

One died with her lover in a high-speed car chase after a night of wining and dining, while her sons and their father were in another country.
The other died surrounded by her family, a sharing and caring community.

One's last words were reported to be "Leave me alone."
The other's were "I love you, my Jesus."

Following this dramatic week, TIME magazine put Princess Diana on the cover and devoted 40 pages to her. The same issue gave 7 pages to Mother Teresa, buried at the back. The world's response to the death of these two women reveals much about the spiritual emptiness and the values of the world today. Jesus said: 'By their fruit you shall know them' (Mt 7:16).So, judging by their fruit, which one was the true saint and which one the counterfeit?

In 1989, Mother Teresa said "There are so many religions and each one has its different ways of following God. I follow Christ. Jesus is my God. Jesus is my Spouse. Jesus is my Life. Jesus is my only Love. Jesus is my All in All. Jesus is my Everything. Because of this, I am never afraid."
[TIME, September 15, 1997, page 72]

Posted by Michael Prabhu in Konkani Catholics


  1. I totally agree to what you have written. Dianna is a hyped up personality. She is not anywhere comparable to Mother Teresa. People who try to compare these two personalities do not know about Mother and her selfless work. Let the world know that Mother is an Angel. Would Dianna have rose to popularity without her marrying the Price? Mother was no one, unknown. still she is no doubt the most respected individual in the world.

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I agree with the article in totality. Diana put up a show of charity. It is just a publicity stunt. Its really sad grown-up men wept shamelessly for Princess while Mother Theresa was grossly ignored. I feel news chanels like BBC and CNN were responsible for this ugly kind of hero worship.

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    sad indeed. I recall feeling angry at just how much interest and coverage was shown at princess diana's death while mother theresa's was a footnote. sure, princess diana did some good but it pales in comparison to the exemplary life led my mother theresa but I guess the coverage does reflect our interest as humanity not in the eternal Godly things but in the shallow pursuits of materialism.

  4. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Ditto. To be harsh - she was just a spoilt brat who did not know anything about the needs of the poor and underprivileged. Everything was just a show and, of course, the motivation was to take revenge on the Queen and her hubby, Charles. Also, she even lacked in basic intelligence - she repetedly failed her O-levels. Further, she lived lavishly from other people's money, being utterly unable to have one proper job. She also had a very weak character, having regard to her many psychological diseases and her adultery. Diana was far away from being a saint.
