Sunday, June 04, 2006

GOA: First Complete Konkani Bible Released

"POVITR PUSTOK adlo ani novo korar" released

By Godfrey J I Gonsalves, Margao, Goa

June 4: At the stroke of 1200 noon today 4th June, 2006 the Feast of the Holy Spirit; for Goa and Goans it turned out to be a red letter day, in the anals of its history, when the first "POVITR PUSTOK- ADLO ani NOVO KORAR" -- in our mother tongue KONKANI (written in Roman script) was released at the hands of His Grace Archbishop of Goa and Daman Filipe Neri Ferrao in the presence of Bishop Emeritius Most Rev Raul Gonsalves and two other Bishops who are presently in Goa, Most Rev. Stanislaus Fernandes, s.j. Bishop of Gandhinagar (a native from S. Matias Divar) and Rev Gerald John Mathew of Chattisgarh (a native of Mangalore) at the St Catherina Church - Se Cathedral following a Eucharist Mass with the participation of over 45 priests from the Diocese.

Releasing the hard bound "Povitr Pustok" the Archbishop expressed a fervent desire to the gathering of over 800 people partaking in the event to ensure that "this Holy Bible now available in our mother tongue becomes a valuable possession in our Homes".

At today's meet only a few "complimentary copies" were distributed at the hands of the Archbishop to those from the Biblical committee headed by Fr Manuel Gomes and others. As a symbolic gesture to ensure the spread of the "Povitr Pustok" to the entire state, lay persons representing the Central, North, and South Episcopal Centres were given a copy of the "Povitr Pustok".

In honouring the first offer order of 40,000 copies, and the additional difficulty of obtaining hard bound cover print orders in large numbers, the newly released "Povitr Pustok" was not available for immediate sale.

According to Fr.Loila Pereira Secretary to the Archbishop who spoke briefly to this writer it was made known that the books costing Rs 300/- would be made available for sale at the Pastoral Institute Office at Old Goa Tiswadi Ilhas Goa India +91 0832 2285347.

Earlier on a bright sunny morning spared of the onset of the monsoon showers that lashed the State three days ago, the St Lourenco, Agacaim, Choral Group led by Rev Fr Andrew Mascarenhas presented a beautiful rendition of hymns befitting the solemn ocassion. The devotees clapped in appreciation of those that constituted the Biblical committee for the task they performed when momentos were being handed to them.

The "Povitr Pustok" is a handy book with a cover depicting symbols of the Pascal candle, the empty sepulchre, the ten commandments, and the Red Sea.

At the end of the function which lasted well over two and half hours, snacks and refreshments were distributed at the entrance to all the participants.

Several nuns and priests attended the ocassion.

Mr Jess Fernandes and some other Konkani writers were also presented a copy of the Bible. Mr Tomazinho Cardozo, and Mr Octavio Rodrigues were amongst those present.

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